Recent Posts
Electric Dryer Monitoring with a CT Clamp
In July I wrote about a project on how I monitored my washer and dryer cycles. My washer used an ESP32 smart plug while my dryer had an ESP32 board and vibration sensor adhered to the outside paneling. At the time, I believed the shortcomings of a...
Using Vibrations and Power to Notify When My Washing Machine and Dryer Finish
My washing machine and dryer do not have an audible notification upon completion. When they finish they go silent 🔇. Because I live in a small space, I usually shut the door to the laundry room to reduce noise leakage in the main living area. On m...
Deploying ESPHome Smart Plugs to Replace Z-Wave
About a year ago I went on a crusade to transition my smart home devices to something that could be controlled locally. The goal was to remove any need for external cloud services. One of the ways that I did this was through buying Z-Wave devices....
Achieving Remote Starter Serenity
Modern cars are like expensive computers with an engine and wheels. Any car from the last decade has loads of electronic systems that rely on special computers to operate. My 2009 Subaru Impreza is no exception. If I want to improve my experience ...
Reviving a Game Because of Nostalgia
When I dive into a project, I generally have some inkling how I am going to work through it. I have a pretty high confidence on how long it will take or what the outcome will be. For whatever reason, last weekend I had the urge to play my favorite...