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Backing Up Android Nougat Easter Egg Cats (No Root)
Every major release of Android in the past couple years has received Google’s Easter Egg treatment. They like to sneak in wallpapers, silly animations, or a fun little game. With the release of Android Nougat (7.0.0), the Easter Egg ended up resem...
Fixing 'No Google Profile for Contact'
If you’re around me enough, you learn that I love to use voice commands. I’ve been known to walk into a room and shout “okay Google” hoping to hear a device accepting my query. Since early 2015, people have been able to use Google Now to send Hang...
Preventing Windows Apps from Broadcasting a Taskbar Notification
A few weeks ago a Windows application on my computer was broadcasting notifications that I did not care for. I have an application that communicates with my uninterruptible power supply to shut down my machine in the event of a power outage after ...
Streaming a Virtual Reality Spectator View to My Raspberry Pi 2
I think virtual reality is a lot of fun. I had a friend in college demo an Oculus DK1 to me and I was pretty amazed; even though I was running it on a laptop and the display drivers turned everything into wireframe models. I remember getting my ha...
N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Save Transfer Guide
It was brought to my attention that my original blog post outlining the process I took to dump my Nintendo 64 save files was not very friendly when people wanted to use it as a guide. Originally, I was going to edit the blog post to incorporate ne...