Recent Posts
Creating a Hardcover Book from a Plethora of Facebook Messages
Back in October, I wanted to create a meaningful gift for someone very special to me for a special occasion. After brainstorming for a while, I came up with a crazy idea of creating a hardcover book from our earliest conversations on Facebook (I g...
Discovering and Reverse Engineering My Steelcase Desk
In 2013 I made the plunge for a height-adjustable standing desk. I had wanted one for a while because I was becoming restless sitting down throughout the day in my computer chair. I wanted to be able to move around easily while I was using it and ...
Transferring My N64 Saves
When I was younger, I would spend weekends after school playing through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. After a while, I beat it. I remember the fun I had navigating through puzzles and chasing down heart containers. I loved every minute of ...
Restoring Vintage with 3D Printing
Now, I understand that some people like to have posts that show progress they’ve made before and after a project. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have that many posts of the “before”. I only thought about documentation half-way through. Without furt...
Somewhere to Start From
Here I am. My own small little corner of the internet. A centralized location; a place to call home.Let me start off with a few formalities. My name is Kyle Niewiada (/kaɪl niː-viː-ɑː-də/). If the phonetic spelling it correct, it should read somet...